Author: Ashmit Srivastava

Edited by: Sankalp Vashistha


The spectre of terrorism has cast a long, portentous shadow over the global geography, challenging robust legal fabrics to combat its multifaceted pitfalls. India, a nation scuffling with its own share of terror-convinced challenges, has precipitously evolved its anti-terrorism legislative armature. The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), a comprehensive overhaul of the felonious justice system, represents a significant stride in this direction.  legislated to relieve the Unlawful Conditioning(Prevention) Act(UAPA), the BNS introduces a new legal paradigm for addressing terrorism. This composition undertakes a scrupulous examination of the BNS provisions related to terrorism, probing into its core rudiments, relative analysis with the UAPA, and a critical evaluation of its counteraccusations for public security and individual liberties. By checking the literal line of India’s anti-terrorism laws andassaying material case law, this study aims to give a nuanced understanding of the BNS’s efficacity in combating terrorism while upholding the principles of justice and moral rights.  The BNS, as a complex legislative instrument, clearances a multifaceted analysis. Thiscomposition tries to unravel its complications, exploring its strengths, sins, and implicit areas for enhancement. By examining the interplay between the BNS and broadercounter-terrorism strategies, this study seeks to contribute to the ongoing converse on effective and rights-esteeming approaches to combating terrorism.

KEYWORDS: Terrorism, Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, BNSCounter-terrorism, National Security, Unlawful Conditioning(Prevention) Act, UAPA, Human Rights, Criminal Law


 The BNS offers a broader description of terrorism compared to its precursor, the Unlawful Conditioning (Prevention) Act(UAPA). crucial rudiments of the BNS description include

  • Intention to hang the conicity, integrity, and security of India This element aligns with the UAPA but is more astronomically defined in the BNS, potentially landing a wider range of conditioning.
  • Intent to blackjack the public or a section of the public is analogous to the UAPA, but the BNS provides a more extensive interpretation.
  • dismembering normal life and conditioning A new addition, this element broadens the compass of terrorism to include acts that may not inescapably involve violence but have a significant impact on society.
  • Creating a sense of fear or instability This element is harmonious with the UAPA but is more explicitly stated in the BNS.

 The BNS’s broader description raises enterprises about eventuality overreach and the blurring of lines between licit dissent and terrorism. It’s pivotal to establish clear guidelines to help the abuse of this provision.


The BNS prescribes a range of corrections for terrorist acts, reflecting the inflexibility of the offence. crucial provisions include

  • DEATH PENALTY The BNS retains the death penalty for terrorist acts resulting in death. This provision has been a subject of violent debate, with critics arguing that it’s disproportionate and ineffective.
  • LIFE IMPRISONMENT For less severe terrorist acts, the BNS prescribes life imprisonment as a maximum discipline.
  • IMPRISONMENTThe BNS also provides for imprisonment for colourful terms, depending on the nature and extent of the terrorist act.
  • CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY To disrupt the fiscal networks of terrorist associations, the BNS includes a provision for the confiscation of property acquired through terrorist conditioning. The inflexibility of the punishments under the BNS reflects the government’s determination to combat terrorism effectively. still, it’s essential to ensurethat these corrections are applied fairly and constantly and that there are acceptable safeguards to help unlawful persuasions.


The BNS empowers designated agencies to probe and make terrorist offences. Key Provisions include 

  • SPECIALISED AGENCIES: The establishment of technicalanti-terrorism units is pivotal for effective disquisition and execution.
  • PROCEDURAL SAFEGAURDS: While the BNS includes some safeguards, similar to the right to legal representation and the presumption of innocence, there are enterprises about the eventuality of abuse, especially in cases involving public security.
  • EVIDENCE:The BNS recognizes the significance of electronic substantiation in terrorism examinations and provides for its admissibility. still, there’s a need for clear guidelines to cover against the abuse of similar substantiation.
  • WITNESS PROTECTION: guarding substantiations in terrorism cases is pivotal. The BNS should include robust provisions for substantiation protection programs.

 The success of counter-terrorism sweat depends on the effective disquisition and execution of terrorist offences. The BNS provides a frame for this, but its perpetration will be critical in icing its effectiveness.


 The BNS criminalizes a range of offences related to terrorism, including

  • Backing Terrorism: This provision targets the fiscal networks supporting terrorist associations.
  • Harbouring and sheltering terrorists: This aims to disrupt safe havens for terrorists.
  • Recruiting for Terrorist Associations: This targets the process of radicalization and reclamation.

These provisions are essential for dismembering terrorist conditioning and precluding the spread of terrorism. still, their effectiveness depends on robust disquisition and execution. 


The BNS represents a significant step forward in India’scounter-terrorism sweats. still, it also presents challenges as such:

  • Balancing public security and mortal rights: The BNS must be enforced in a manner that protects abecedarian rights while effectively combating terrorism.
  • Precluding abuse of the Law:The broad description of terrorism increases the threat of abuse. Clear guidelines and robust safeguards are essential.
  • Structure capacity: Effectiveperpetrationof the BNS requires well- trained law enforcement labour force, prosecutors, and judges.
  • Transnationalcooperation:Counter-terrorism is a global challenge, and India must strengthen its cooperation with other countries.


The BNS, with its broad changes to the felonious justice system, has the implicit to significantly impact colourful angles of Indian society.

 Impact on Human Rights

  • Corrosion of Civil Liberties:The broad description of terrorism and expanded powers to law enforcement could lead to curtailment of abecedarian rights similar to freedom of speech, assembly, and association.
  • Arbitrary Apprehensions and Detentions: Increased eventuality for abuse of the law, leading to unlawful apprehensions and dragged detentions.
  • Fair Trial Enterprises:The emphasis on speedy trials might compromise the rights of the indicted, including access to legal counsel and acceptable defence. Socio- Political Counteraccusations 
  • Increased Surveillance:The focus on public security could lead to heightened surveillance measures, impacting sequestration rights
  • Trust Deficit:The eventuality for abuse of the law could erode public trust in law enforcement and the bar
  • Social Polarization: The BNS could complicate social divisions and produce a climate of fear and dubitationEconomic Counteraccusations
  • Investor Confidence: Query about the legal terrain could discourage foreign investment and hamper profitable growth.
  • Business Operations:Increased nonsupervisory burden and implicit legal pitfalls could impact business operations and competitiveness.
  • Tourism:Anegative perception of the country’s mortal rights record could discourage excursionists.
  • Burden of Proof: The onus on law enforcement to prove guilt beyond reasonable mistrustfulnessbecomes further gruelling with the broad description of terrorism.
  • Resource Constraints:Effective perpetration of the BNS requires acceptable training, outfit, and labour force.
  • Responsibility Mechanisms:To ensure responsibility and help abuse of powers are pivotal. It’s important to note that these are implicit counteraccusations and the factual impact of the BNS will depend on its perpetration and interpretation by the bar.


 The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita(BNS) represents a significant step forward in India’scounter-terrorism legal frame. By broadening the description of terrorism, introducing strict corrections, and establishing technical investigative agencies, the BNS aims to give a comprehensive response to the complex challenge posed by terrorism.  still, the effectiveness of the BNS is contingent upon several factors. The balance between public security and individual rights is a delicate bonethat requires careful consideration. The eventuality of overreach and misuse of the law cannot be ignored. likewise, the success of the BNS depends on its perpetration, with acceptable coffers, training, and collaboration among law enforcement agencies.  While the BNS offers a robust legal frame, its impact eventually depends on its practical operation. Case studies demonstrate both the implicit strengths and sins of the law. nonstop evaluation and refinement are essential to ensure its effectiveness in combating terrorism while upholding the rule of law. Transnational cooperation is another pivotal element of counter-terrorism sweats. The BNS should be aligned with transnationalnorms and stylish practices to enhance its impact.  In conclusion, the BNS provides a foundation for addressing terrorism in India. By addressing the linked challenges anderecting upon the law’s strengths, India can develop a more effective and rights-esteemingcounter-terrorism strategy.  crucial areas for unborn exploration and policy development include:

  • In- depth analysis of the impact of the BNS on specific groups, similar as religious non-ages and marginalized communities.
  • Relative studies ofcounter-terrorism strategies in otherauthorities.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the BNS in precluding and fighting rising forms of terrorism, similar to cyberterrorism.
  • Development of comprehensive training programs for law enforcement and judicial labour force on the perpetration of the BNS.


  2. Books / Commentaries / Journals Referred
    1. THE BNSBARE ACT, 2023
    2. SECTION 113: BNS,2023
  3. Online Articles / Sources Referred
    1. A Review of the Indian Penal Code | Chambers Expert Focus
    2. Top 10 Changes Made by Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) vis-à-vis Indian Penal Code (IPC) (
    3. Criminal Law Bills 2023 Decoded #7: Analysing the Terror Offences Framework Under BNS 2023 – P39A Criminal Law Blog (