Against Surety for Payment of Rent

Against Surety for Payment of Rent


A.B., the above-named plaintiff states as follows:-

  1. On the ……….day of ………19…………, E.F. hired from the plaintiff for the term of years, the [house No., street], at the annual rent of rupees, payable [monthly].
  2. The defendant agreed, in consideration of the letting of the premises to guarantee the punctual payment of the rent.
  3. The rent for the month of……… 19…………, amounting to………. rupees, has not been paid.

[If, by the terms of the agreement, notice is required to be given to the surety, add:–]

  1. On the…….. day of……… 19…………, the plaintiff gave notice to the defendant of the rent, and demanded payment thereof.
  2. The defendant has not paid the same.

[As in paras.4 and 5 of Form No.1, and Relief claimed.]

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