Another Deed of Reconveyance for Reconveying Mortgaged Property

Another Deed of Reconveyance for Reconveying Mortgaged Property

This Deed of Reconveyance made at …………. this ……………….. day of ………….. 19 …….. Between A son of ……………….. a resident of …………… hereinafter called the “Mortgagee” (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and Shri B son of Shri C, hereinafter called “the Mortgagor” (which expression shall unless repugnant to, the context or meaning thereof include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.

Whereas by an Indenture of Mortgage dated the ……………….. made between the Mortgagor of the ONE PART and the Mortgagee of the OTHER PART and registered on …………… bearing No. ……………. of Book 1 in the Office of the Sub-Registrar, ………………….. (hereinafter called the “Principal Indenture”), the Mortgagor granted, conveyed, transferred, assigned and assured unto the Mortgagee the property bearing Plot No. …….., admeasuring 1000 sq. mtrs. thereabout together with the building erected thereon situated in the Registration sub-district of ……………… and the Registration District of ……………….. more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written (hereinafter referred to as “the said Mortgaged Property”) to secure a loan of Rs. ………… (Rupees ……………… only) made by the Mortgagee to the Mortgagor together with interest thereon, subject nevertheless to the proviso for redemption therein contained.

and Whereas the said loan of Rs. ……………. (Rupees …………………. only) together with the interest owing to the Mortgagee has been paid in full by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee on or about ………………..

And Whereas the mortgagor is now desirous of having a reconveyance of the said mortgaged property as hereinafter contained.

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the said loan and interest due and owing to the Mortgagee under the Principal Indenture being paid in full (the receipt whereof the Mortgagee doth hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the same doth hereby acquit, release and for ever discharge the Mortgagor), the Mortgagee doth hereby grant, reassign, reconvey and release and for ever quit claim unto the Mortgagor. All that piece of land, hereditaments and premises comprised in and grant or otherwise assured by the Principal Indenture and more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written with all the rights, easements and appurtenances as in the Principal Indenture expressed and all the estates, right, title and interest property, claim and demand whatsoever of the Mortgagee into, out of or upon the said land, hereditaments and premises by virtue of the Principal Indenture to have and hold the said land, hereditaments, premises hereby granted, reassigned, reconveyed and released unto and to the use of the Mortgagor for ever freed and discharged from all moneys secured and intended to be secured by the said Principal Indenture and from all actions, suits, accounts, claims and demands whatsoever either at law or in equity for, upon, on account or in respect of the said moneys or any part thereof or for, or in respect of the Principal Indenture or of anything relating to the premises and the Mortgagee hereby covenants with the Mortgagor that the Mortgagee has not done or executed knowingly, willingly, permitted, suffered or been party or privy to any act, deed, matter or thing whereby the Mortgagee is prevented from granting, reassigning and reconveying the said Mortgaged Property or any part thereof, are/is or can be impeached, encumbered or affected in title, estate or otherwise howsoever.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Mortagagee has set hand the day and the year first hereinabove written.

The schedule of the property

All that piece and parcel of plot of land bearing Plot No. …….. Survey No. ……………………………………………….. admeasuring 1000 sq. mtrs. or thereabout bounded as follows:

On the North by plot No. …………………………………………….

On the East by plot No. ……………………………………………..

On the South by 60’ wide road ……………………………………..

On the West by 60’ wide road ………………………………………

Signed and delivered by the within named mortgage

Signed and delivered by the within named mortgagor




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