Against Surety for Payment of Rent
A.B., the above-named plaintiff states as follows:-
- On the ……….day of ………19…………, E.F. hired from the plaintiff for the term of years, the [house No., street], at the annual rent of rupees, payable [monthly].
- The defendant agreed, in consideration of the letting of the premises to guarantee the punctual payment of the rent.
- The rent for the month of……… 19…………, amounting to………. rupees, has not been paid.
[If, by the terms of the agreement, notice is required to be given to the surety, add:–]
- On the…….. day of……… 19…………, the plaintiff gave notice to the defendant of the rent, and demanded payment thereof.
- The defendant has not paid the same.
[As in paras.4 and 5 of Form No.1, and Relief claimed.]