FORM NO. 13 |
[See rule 28(1)] |
Application by a person for a certificate under section 197 of the |
Income-tax Act, 1961, for no deduction of tax or deduction of |
tax at a lower rate |
To The Assessing Officer, ………………………. ………………………. ………………………. |
I, ………………………………..…………………………of …………………………………. do hereby, request that a certificate may be issued to the person responsible for paying to me the income by way of salary/ interest on securities/interest other than “interest on securities”/insurance commission/dividends /rent /income in respect of units (strike out whichever is not applicable) authorising him not to deduct income-tax/to deduct income-tax at the rate of …………………………. per cent at the time of payment to me of such income. The particulars of my income are as under: |
(i) Status (state whether individual, HUF, firm, BOI, etc.) |
(ii) Residential status (whether resident/resident but not ordinarily resi- |
dent/non-resident) |
(iii) Permanent Account Number, if any |
(iv) Assessment year to which the payments relate |
(v) Estimated total income of the previous year relevant to the assess- |
ment year referred to in (iv) above |
(v) Total tax payable on the income at (v) |
(vii) Average rate of tax |
Col.(vi) |
x 100 |
Col.(v) |
(viii) How the liability determined in col. (vi) is proposed to be dis- |
charged ?(Specify the amount to be paid by way of advance tax and TDS) |
(ii) Total income assessed in the last three assessment years and the |
total tax paid for each such year: |
Total |
Total |
income |
tax |
(i) |
(ii) |
(iii) |
(x) Date and amount of advance tax and TDS, if any, already paid so |
far. |
(xi) Details of income claimed to be exempt and not included in the total income |
(please append a note giving reason for claiming such exemption). |
(xii) Please furnish the particulars in the Schedules below in respect of the payments for which the |
certificate is sought: |
Description of Number of Date of Amount of |
securities securities securities securities |
(1) (2) (3) (4) |
Sl. No. Name and Amount of The date on Period for Rate of |
address of such sum which such which such interest the person |
sums were sums were |
to whom the |
given on given on |
sums are |
interest interest |
given on |
interest |
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) |
Sl. Name and address of person responsible for Amount of insurance |
No. paying insurance commission commission |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Sl. No. Name and No. of Class of Total face Distinctive |
address of shares shares and value of Nos. of |
the |
face value of shares shares |
company |
each share |
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) |
Sl.No. Name and Period of Amount Income Income Total |
address of employ- of salary from from income |
the ment received house sources |
employer |
property other than |
salary and |
income |
from |
house |
property |
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) |
Sl. Name and address of person responsible Amount of |
No. |
for paying rent |
rent |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Sl. No. Name and Number. of Class of units Total face Distinctive |
address of units and face value of Nos. of |
the mutual |
value of each units units |
fund |
unit |
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) |
*I, ………………………………..……………… the trustee/co-trustee of ………………………………..…… do hereby declare that the securities/sums/shares, particulars of which are given in the Schedules above, are property held under trust wholly for charitable or religious purposes and that the income therefrom qualifies for exemption under sections 11 and 13 of the Income-tax Act, 1961. |
*I declare that the securities/sums/shares, particulars of which are given in the Schedules above, stand in my name and are beneficially owned by me, and the income therefrom is not includible in the total income of any other person under sections 60 to 64 of the Income-tax Act, 1961. I further declare that what is stated in this application is correct. |
…………………………. |
(Signature) |
Date ……………….. |
………………………. |
Place ………………. |
………………………. ………………………. |
(Address) |
*Strike out whichever is not applicable. |