FORM NO.31 |
[See rule 43] |
Application for a certificate under the first proviso to sub-section (1A) of section 230 of the |
Income-tax Act, 1961 |
To, The Assessing Officer, ………………………… |
Sir, |
I request that *Tax Clearance Certificate be granted to me. I give below the necessary particulars: |
1. Full name of the applicant (in block letters) |
2. Permanent Account Number |
3. Present address |
4. Permanent address |
5. Name of father (or husband) |
6. Domicile and Nationality |
7. Nature of Business or profession etc. in |
India |
8. Whether exemption is claimed under any |
section of Act. ? If so, which? |
9. Place(s) at which the business or |
profession is/was carried on |
10. Date of arrival in India (When were the |
previous visits made and what were the periods of stay in each case) |
11. Destination of journey |
12. Probable date of departure |
13. Mode of travel (by Air/Sea/Land*) |
14. Date of intended return, if any. |
15. Passport No./Emergency Certificate No. |
(a) issued on (date) |
(b) from (place and country) |
I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information furnished in the application is correct and truly stated. |
Place : |
Yours faithfully |
Date : |
(Applicant) |
*Delete whichever is not applicable.”; |