FORM NO. 10G |
[See rule 11AA] |
Application for grant of approval or continuance thereof to institution or |
fund under section 80G(5)(vi) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 |
1. Name of the institution/fund in full (in block letters) |
2. Address of the registered office of the institution/ fund |
3. Legal status [please specify whether the institution/ fund |
is- |
(i) constituted as public charitable trust; |
(ii) registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 |
(21 of 1860) or under any law corresponding to that Act in force in any part of India; |
(iii) registered under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 |
(1 of 1956); |
(iv) a University established by law; |
(v) any other educational institution recognised by the Gov- |
ernment or by any University established by law or af- filiated to any University established by law; |
(vi) an institution wholly or partly financed by the Govern- |
ment or a local authority; |
(vii) an institution established with the object of controlling, |
supervising, regulating or encouraging games or sports and is approved for this purpose under section 10(23); or |
(viii) A Regimental Fund or Non-Public Fund established by |
armed forces of the Union for the welfare of past or present members of such forces or their dependants.] |
4. Objects of the institution/fund and geographical area over |
which its activities are undertaken |
5. Names and addresses of trustees/office bearers of the insti- |
tution or fund |
6. (i) If registered under section 12A(a) of the Income-tax |
Act, the registration number and date of registration |
(ii) If notified under section 10(23) or under section |
10(23C)of the Income-tax Act, the details thereof |
(iii) If responses to (i) & (ii) are negative, whether any ap- |
plication for the same has been filed? If yes, enclose a copy of the same. |
7. (a) Period of last approval, if any. Please enclose a copy of |
the approval |
(b) If any change in the aims and objects and the rules and |
regulations have been made since the last approval, the details thereof |
8. Assessment particulars- |
(a) Ward/Circle where assessed and permanent account |
number/GIR number |
(b) Is the income exempt under section 10(22), 10(22A), |
10(23), 10(23AA), 10(23C) or 11? |
(c) Whether any arrears of taxes are outstanding? If so, |
give reasons |
9. Amount accumulated for the purposes mentioned in item |
(4) above |
(i) Details of modes in which the funds are invested or |
deposited, showing the nature, value and income from the investment; |
(ii) Whether any funds have not been invested in the modes |
specified in section 11(5)? |
11. (i) Is the institution/fund carrying on any business? If yes, |
give details |
(ii) Is the business incidental to the attainment of its ob- |
jects? |
12. Details of nature, quantity and value of contributions (other |
than cash) and the manner in which such contributions have been utilised. |
13. Details of shares, security or other property purchased by |
or on behalf of the trust from any interested person as speci- fied in sub-section (3) of section 13. |
14. Whether any part of the income or any property of the as- |
sociation was used or applied in a manner which results directly or indirectly in conferring any benefit, amenity or perquisite (whether converted into money or not), on any interested person as specified in sub-section (3) of section 13? If so, details thereof. |
I certify that information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. |
I undertake to communicate forthwith any alteration in the terms or in the rules governing the institu- tion/fund made at any time hereafter. |
Place…………………… |
…………………………….…………….. |
Date ………….……….. |
Signature |
…………………………………………….. |
Designation |
……………………………………… |
……………………………………… |
Address |
Notes : The application form (in triplicate) should be sent to the Commissioner of Income-tax having jurisdiction over the institution or fund along with the following documents: |
(i) Copy of registration granted under section 12A or copy of notification issued under section10(23) |
or section 10(23C). |
(ii) Notes on activities of institution or fund since its inception or during the last three years, whichever |
is less. |
(iii) Copies of accounts of the institution or fund since its inception or during the last three years, which- |
ever is less. |