This agreement (“Agreement” ) is made on ........................... by and between (1) ___________, a company organised and existing under the laws of India, having its registered office _____________________, listed at the _______________ of Commerce Number xxx (hereinafter referred to as “______”; and (2) ....................................(Supplier), a company organised and existing under the laws of..............., having its registered office at...................., ("Seller"); also referred below individually as “Party” and together as “Parties” Whereas ________ wishes to acquire the supply of the products defined below and whereas Seller wishes to supply and deliver such products to ________. ________ and Seller respectively agree to the following: 1. SUPPLY OF PRODUCTS 1.1 During the term of this Agreement and any extension hereof, the Seller shall sell and supply the products as set out in Schedule 1 hereto (“Products”) to ________ and ________ shall buy from the Seller such Products on a non-exclusive basis. 1.2 The specifications of the Products are set out in Schedule 2 hereto. 1.3 Seller shall provide to ________ the technical information and material in regard to the Products as set out in Schedule 3 hereto. 2. ORDERS 2.1 Each purchase and sale between ________ and Seller shall be evidenced by an order placed by ________ (“Order” or in plural “Orders”) to Seller in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Seller Company shall accept such Orders in writing within 2 working days after receipt of the Order. If the Seller Company does not send a written order confirmation within 2 working days after receipt of the Order, the Order shall be deemed to be accepted by the Seller Company. As long as this Agreement is in force and effect the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to all Orders and all order confirmations of Seller. 2.2 Orders shall be placed by ________ to Seller in writing (including, without limitation, by e-mail, fax, letter). Each Order shall contain (a) the Products and the quantity of each Product ordered by ________, (b) the price and (c) the destination (address) of delivery (“Destination of Delivery”). 2.3 Neither the Seller´s Company terms and conditions of sale and delivery nor the ________ Company terms and conditions of purchase shall apply to any purchase and sale made under this Agreement. 3. PRICE 3.1 The price ("Price") for the Products on the basis of DDP, Destination of Delivery as determined in the Order, _________, is specified in Schedule 4 hereof. The Price includes statutory VAT and other taxes, if any. 3.2 The price remains fix for the period of the contract. 4. INVOICING AND PAYMENT 4.1 ________ shall pay to Seller the Price for the Products ordered within 30 days of receipt of invoice. 5. DELIVERY AND STOCK 5.1 The date for delivery shall be as specified in the order. The minimum delivery time is 3 weeks. 5.2 Seller shall forthwith give notice to ________ of any likely delay in delivery of which it becomes aware and shall provide ________ with prompt and reasonable notice of the re-scheduled delivery date. 5.3 If Seller is late with any delivery of Products, ________ shall have the right to cancel the Order for such Products at any time before delivery of relevant Products is effected. 5.4 In order to ensure punctual deliveries, Seller shall hold during the term of this Agreement a minimum stock of .............. 6. TITLE AND RISK 6.1 Title and all risk of loss or damage to the Products shall pass from the Seller to ________ when the Products shall be received and unloaded on the basis of DDP, Destination of Delivery as determined in the Order,___________. 7. WARRANTY AND PRODUCT LIABILITY 7.1 The Seller warrant that the Products shall (a) conform to the technical and quality standard and specifications as set out in Schedule 3 hereto, (b) be safe, of good quality and free from any defect in manufacturing or material, (c) correspond strictly with any and all representations, descriptions, advertisements, brochures, drawings, specifications and samples made or given by Seller, and (d) fit for the purpose of.................. (Product purpose to be filled in). ________ shall inspect the received Products within 14 days after receipt of the delivery and shall inform the Seller within a further period of 3 working days of any apparent defect. Non-apparent defects shall be informed to the Seller within 14 days after they have become apparent. 7.2 If the Products are defective and/or do not conform with the warranty given in Art. 7.1 above ("Defective Products"), the Seller shall, at the option of ________ (a) replace the Defective Products with Products in accordance with the warranty set out in Art. 7.1 above as soon as possible without any additional cost to ________, or (b) repair the Products without any additional cost to ________, or (c) reimburse ________ the Price paid for the Defective Products. 7.3 Seller shall indemnify and hold ________ harmless from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses, liabilities (including, without limitation, product liability claims) and other expenses (including lawyer´s and other legal fees) which ________ may suffer or incur as a result of the delivery of Defective Products or a breach of the obligations set out in this Agreement by Seller. 7.4 Any claim made under the breach of the warranty obligation as defined in Article 7.1 and 7.2 above shall endure for a period of 24 months after the date of delivery of the Products and any claim made under Art. 7.3 above shall endure until the expiration of the relevant statutes of limitations. 8. MANAGEMENT REPORTING 8.1 Seller shall report to ________ on a quarterly basis the following management information: ........................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 9. TERM AND TERMINATION 9.1 This Agreement shall come into force and effect on ..................(“Effective Date”) and shall remain effective for a period of one (1) year. It shall be automatically renewed for subsequent periods of three (3) months each, unless (a) any party gives to the other party a written notice not to renew this Agreement at least one (1) month prior to the expiration of the initial term or any such subsequent term of this Agreement, or (b) this Agreement terminates in accordance with 9.2 below. 9.2 Notwithstanding Art. 9.1 above this Agreement may be terminated at any time by each party on written notice with immediate effect in the event that: (a) proceedings in bankruptcy or insolvency are instituted by or against the other party or a receiver, trustee, administrator or liquidator is appointed in respect of any part of the other party´s assets or any similar relief is granted under any applicable bankruptcy or equivalent law; (b) one party (the defaulting party) shall be in breach, non-observance or non-performance of any of its obligations in this Agreement and does not remedy the same within 14 days of notice of such failure or breach being served upon it by the other party (the non-defaulting party). 10. FORCE MAJEURE 10.1 In this Section “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of ________ or Seller, and which is unavoidable not withstanding the reasonable care of the party affected, and shall include but not be limited to war, insurrection, riot, civil unrest, sabotage, boycott, embargo, explosion, fire, earthquake, flood, unavoidable accident, epidemic, act of God, action or inaction of any governmental official or agency (civil or military) and refusal of any licences or permits, if properly applied for. 10.2 If either Party is prevented from or delayed in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement by an event of Force Majeure, then it shall notify the other in writing of the occurrence of such event and the circumstances thereof within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such event. 10.3 The Party who has given such notice shall be excused from the performance or punctual performance of its obligations under this Agreement for so long as the relevant event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that such Party’s performance is prevented or delayed. The occurrence of any event of Force Majeure affecting either party shall not give rise to any claim for damages or additional costs and expenses suffered or incurred by reason of Force Majeure. 10.4 If the performance of the work by ________ is substantially prevented or is delayed for an aggregate period of more than sixty (60) days on account of one or more events of Force Majeure during the currency of this Agreement, ________ and or Seller may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Seller and / or ________ as the case may be. 11. NOTICES All notices, requests, demands and other communications shall be in writing (including fax) in the English language and shall be addressed as follows (or to such other address as notified in writing by one party to the other party): If to ________ to: Mr. xxx address Fax: xxx If to the Seller to: ........................... ........................... ............................ .............................. : 12. MISCELLANEOUS 12.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium. 12.2 All disputes between the parties as to the validity, execution, performance, interpretation or termination of this Agreement will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of _____________. 12.3 All Schedules attached to this Agreement are incorporated herein and shall be part of this Agreement. 12.4 Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, neither party may assign this Agreement or any of its rights, interests or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party. ________ and Seller have executed this Agreement at the day and year first above written. ________ Seller ______________________ ______________________ Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: SCHEDULE 1: LIST OF PRODUCTS SCHEDULE 2: SPECIFICATIONS OF PRODUCTS SCHEDULE 3: TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND MATERIAL SCHEDULE 4: PRICES OF THE PRODUCTS



This Subordination Agreement (this “Agreement”) dated _____ __, 201_, is between _________, _________ and __________, individually (the “Subordinated Creditor(s)”), and Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (“Senior Creditor”). Recitals A. [Insert Accelerator Company Name] (“Borrower”) has obtained credit from Senior Creditor. B. [Insert Subordinated Creditors’ names], individually (“Subordinated Creditor(s)”) have extended credit to Borrower and/or may later extend other credit to Borrower. C. To induce Senior Creditor to extend credit to Borrower and make further extensions of credit to or for Borrower, or to purchase or extend credit pursuant to any instrument or writing on which Borrower is liable or to grant renewals or extensions of any loan, extension of credit, purchase, or other accommodation each Subordinated Creditor will subordinate all of Borrower's indebtedness and obligations to such Subordinated Creditor with respect to such indebtedness, existing now or later (the “Subordinated Debt”), to all of Borrower's indebtedness and obligations to Senior Creditor (the “Senior Debt”) pursuant to a certain Life Sciences Accelerator Funding Agreement dated _____ __, 201_ by and between Borrower and Senior Creditor (the “Loan Agreement”), as further amended from time to time. THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. All Subordinated Debt payments are subordinated to Senior Creditor’s right to full payment and performance of the Senior Debt and all of Borrower’s other obligations to Senior Creditor existing now or later, together with collection costs of the Loan (as defined in the Loan Agreement), including attorneys' fees, and including any interest accruing after any bankruptcy, reorganization or similar proceeding and all obligations under the Loan Agreement. 2. No Subordinated Creditor will: a) demand or receive from Borrower (and Borrower will not pay any part of the Subordinated Debt, by payment, prepayment, or otherwise, which may now or hereafter be owing by Borrower to either Subordinated Creditor, or b) accelerate the Subordinated Debt, or begin to or participate in any action against Borrower with respect to such Subordinated Debt, until all the Senior Debt is paid, or c)_ assign any of the Subordinated Debt or any collateral security therefore without notice to or consent of Senior Creditor and unless assigned pursuant to an assignment made expressly subject to this Agreement. This does not prohibit each such Subordinated Creditor from converting any Subordinated Debt into equity securities of Borrower or exercising any rights as a stockholder of the Borrower. 3. Each Subordinated Creditor must deliver to Senior Creditor in the form received (except for endorsement or assignment by each Subordinated Creditor) any payment, distribution, security or proceeds it receives on the Subordinated Debt other than according to this Agreement. 4. These provisions remain in full force and effect, despite Borrower's insolvency, reorganization or any case or proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, and Senior Creditor's claims against Borrower and Borrower’s estate will be fully paid before any payment is made to any Subordinated Creditor with respect to the Subordinated Debt. 5. Until the Senior Debt is paid, each Subordinated Creditor irrevocably appoints Senior Creditor as its attorney-in-fact, with power of attorney with power of substitution, in each such Subordinated Creditor’s name or in Senior Creditor’s name, for Senior Creditor’s use and benefit without notice to each such Subordinated Creditor, to do the following in any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar proceeding involving Borrower: a) File any claims for the Subordinated Debt for each such Subordinated Creditor if such Subordinated Creditor does not do so at least 30 days before the time to file claims expires, and b) Accept or reject any plan of reorganization or arrangement for each such Subordinated Creditor and vote each such Subordinated Creditor's claims in respect of the Subordinated Debt in any way it chooses. 6. Each Subordinated Creditor will immediately put a legend on the Subordinated Debt instruments that the instruments are subject to this Agreement. No amendment of the Subordinated Debt documents will modify this Agreement in any way that terminates or impairs the subordination of the Subordinated Debt or the subordination of the security interest or lien that Senior Creditor has in Borrower’s property. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon each Subordinated Creditor, their respective successors or assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by each Senior Creditor and its successors or assigns. 8. This Agreement shall terminate upon the date on which the Senior Debt shall have been paid in cash in full. 9. Senior Creditor may administer and manage its credit and other relationships with Borrower in its own best interest, without notice or consent of either Subordinated Creditor. At any time and from time to time, Senior Creditor may enter into any amendment or agreement with Borrower as Senior Creditor may deem proper. 10. All conditions, covenants, duties and obligations contained in this Agreement can be waived only by written agreement. Forbearance or indulgence in any form or manner by a party shall not be construed as a waiver, nor in any way limit the remedies available to that party. 11. All communications to the Senior Creditor shall be mailed or delivered to the following address, or sent by facsimile to the following number with confirmation of receipt by voice: All communications to each Subordinated Creditor shall be mailed or delivered to the following address: [insert name] Chief Executive Officer [or other title] [insert address of Accelerator company] 12. If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under applicable law, such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, and the balance of the Agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded, and shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms. 13. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which is an original and all of which together constitute one instrument. 14. Massachusetts law governs this Agreement without giving effect to conflicts of laws principles. Each Subordinated Creditor and the Senior Creditor submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State courts. EACH SUBORDINATED CREDITOR AND THE SENIOR CREDITOR WAIVE THEIR RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL OF ANY CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION FROM THIS AGREEMENT. 15. If there is an action to enforce the rights of a party under this Agreement, the party prevailing will be entitled, in addition to other relief, all reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in the action. [Signatures on Following Page] Subordinated Creditor(s): _______________________________ [insert name] _______________________________ [insert name] _____________________________ [insert name]



JOB NO: ACCOUNT CODE: This agreement is made this d day of 20 10 , by and between __________, Inc. (Contractor) and (Subcontractor) to perform the Work identified in Article 2 in accordance with the Project's Contract Documents. PROJECT: OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: . SUBCONTRACTOR: Article 1 CONTRACT PAYMENT. The Contractor agrees to pay Subcontractor for satisfactory performance of Subcontractor's Work the sum of Dollars ($ ). Progress payments, less retainage of 10%, shall be made to Subcontractor for Work satisfactorily performed no later than Seven ( 7 ) days after receipt of payment from Owner for Subcontractor's Work. Final payment of the balance due shall be made to Subcontractor not later than Seven ( 7 ) days after receipt by Contractor of final payment from Owner for Subcontractor's Work. These payments are subject to receipt of such lien waivers, affidavits, warranties, and guarantees required by the Contract Documents or Contractor. Article 2 SCOPE OF WORK. (a) Subcontractor shall furnish necessary labor, materials, services, tools, equipment and other things necessary to fully perform and complete the Work in cooperation with the other trades in a good and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction and acceptance of Contractor and Owner and perform all the Work as set forth herein (hereinafter referred to as the "Work"). (b) No claim shall be made due to minor variations in the actual conditions of the premises from what is shown on the plans. Subcontractor shall examine the premises, note and ascertain the existing conditions at the site and the nature and location of the Work. All Work affected or governed thereby or required for the thorough and satisfactory execution and completion of his Work, whether indicated or specified or not, and regardless of quantity estimated, shall constitute part of this Subcontract and shall be performed without extra charge. (c) Subcontractor agrees to commence Subcontractor's Work herein described upon notification by Contractor, and to perform and complete such Work in accordance with Contract Documents and under the general direction of Contractor in accord with Contractor's schedule. This shall include all work necessary or incidental to complete the: . Work for the Project as more particularly, though not specified in . Article 3 SCHEDULE OF WORK. (a) Subcontractor hereby acknowledges that time is of the essence with respect to the Contractor's completing the Project pursuant to the General Contract and that such completion is substantially dependent upon Subcontractor's performance of this Subcontract on or before the dates set forth in the Progress Schedule and/or Progress Meetings. Time, therefore, is of the essence in this Subcontract. (b) Subcontractor shall turn the Work over to Contractor in good condition and free and clear of all claims or liens arising from the performance of the Subcontract, and shall, at his expense, defend all suits and pay all claims arising from his performance of this Subcontract. (c) Subcontractor covenants and agrees that he shall not employ any labor which will interfere with labor harmony at the job site or with the introduction and storage of materials and execution of Work by other subcontractors. If Subcontractor breaches this covenant and such breach shall cause a stoppage or Work at the job site, Subcontractor shall be liable for all damages suffered by Contractor caused by such delay in completing the job, including specifically any penalty or liquidated damages in the General Contract imposed upon Contractor for failing to complete the job on the completion date set forth in such Contract. (d) Subcontractor shall, prior to submission of his first requisition for payment, supply to Contractor the name, address and telephone number of every supplier or Subcontractor furnishing materials and/or labor to Subcontractor for the Work covered herein and a cost breakdown of this Subcontract. (e) Subcontractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the manner of doing the work or to the supplying of the material at the job site, and shall provide safe working conditions for his employees, other employees and the public. (f) If any part of Subcontractor's work, depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other Subcontractor, Subcontractor shall inspect and promptly report to Contractor any defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Subcontractor's failure to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other Subcontractor's work as fit and proper for the reception of Subcontractor's work. (g) Time is of the essence. Subcontractor shall provide Contractor with any requested scheduling information of Subcontractor's Work. The Schedule of Work, including that of this Subcontract shall be prepared by Contractor and may be revised as the Work progresses. Subcontractor recognizes that changes may be made in the Schedule of Work and agrees to comply with such changes without additional compensation. Subcontractor shall coordinate its work with all other contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers on the Project so as not to delay or damage their performance, work, or the Project. Article 4 CHANGES. (a) Contractor may authorize changes to or deductions from the Work, said authorization to be effective and binding only when written (hereinafter referred to as "extra work"). (b) Whenever extra work is requested by Contractor and the scope and nature of same is reasonably susceptible to lump sum quotation, Subcontractor shall provide such quotation within five (5) days of a request for same. (c) Any claim for compensation for extra work, whether lump sum or otherwise, must be presented to Contractor within five (5) days of authorization of the extra work. Claims for extra work received thereafter will not be considered. Proper claims for extra work shall be paid in accordance with this Subcontract Agreement. (d) Duly authorized extra work is hereinafter deemed included in the "Work". No dispute as to adjustments in the Contract Amount for extra work shall excuse Subcontractor from proceeding with the Work. (e) Contractor, without nullifying the Agreement, may direct Subcontractor to make changes to Subcontractor's Work. Adjustment, if any, in the contract price or contract time resulting from such changes shall be set forth in a Subcontractor's Change Order pursuant to the Contract Documents. Article 5 FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE. (a) Should Subcontractor at any time fail to prosecute and complete the Work in accordance with the Progress Schedule or as herein provided or fail to diligently and continuously perform his Work, or if in the opinion of Contractor the Work of Subcontractor cannot be completed in the time period set forth, or if Contractor is notified or Subcontractor's failure to pay for any material or labor used on the Project, or in the event of a strike or stoppage or Work resulting from a dispute involving or affecting the labor employed by Subcontractor or his Subcontractors, or if Subcontractor fails to perform any of the requirements herein, then such event shall be deemed a default and Contractor shall notify Subcontractor to correct such default and shall specify in such notice the action to be taken and a reasonable date by which the default shall be corrected. (b) If a default occurs and is not corrected on or before the date specified in the notice to Subcontractor, Contractor shall be entitled to exercise either or both of the following remedies as well as any other remedies available, including but not limited to binding and consolidated arbitration in accordance wit the terms of the General Contract or through litigation in a court of law. (1) Contractor may immediately take any action necessary to correct such default, including specifically the right to provide labor, overtime labor and materials and may deduct the cost of correcting such default from payment due, or that may become due to Subcontractor. (2) Contractor may terminate this Subcontract and the employment of Subcontractor, take possession of Subcontractor's materials, tools and equipment used in performing such Work, and employ another Subcontractor or use the employees of Contractor to finish the remaining Work to be performed hereunder. Contractor may deduct the costs of completing the remaining work from the unpaid contract price, and if the cost of completing the remaining Work exceeds the unpaid Contract amount, Subcontractor shall pay to Contractor such excess costs, including but not limited to overhead and attorney's fees. Contractor, in any such event may also refrain from making any further payments under this Subcontract to Subcontractor until the entire project shall be fully finished and accepted by Owner, at which time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this Subcontract shall exceed the expense incurred by Contractor to Subcontractor, but if such expenses and damages shall exceed such unpaid balance Subcontractor shall promptly pay the difference to Contractor if Contractor does not terminate the right of Subcontractor to proceed, Subcontractor shall continue with the balance of the Work. If Owner is damaged by reason of any breach by Subcontractor of this Subcontract the Subcontractor shall, subject to any defenses and offsets to which Subcontractor may be entitled under this Subcontract, pay Owner such damages. Article 6 INSURANCE. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH CERTIFICATE LISTING __________ INC AS CERTIFICATE HOLDER AND ADDITIONAL INSURED. (a) In consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) paid by Contractor to Subcontractor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, for the indemnification hereinafter set forth. Subcontractor agrees to indemnify and save Contractor and Owner harmless against and from any and all claims arising from the conduct, management or performance of the Work, including without limitation, any and all claims arising from any condition or the Work arising from any breach or default of the part of Subcontractor in the performance of any covenant or agreement on his part to be performed, pursuant to the terms of this Subcontract or arising from any act or negligence of Subcontractor or any of his agents, Subcontractors, servants, employees or licensees , or arising from any accident, injury or damage whatsoever caused by any person, firm or corporation, brought thereon, and in case any action or proceeding is defended against Contractor, shall defend against such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to Contractor and Owner, unless such action or proceeding is defended against by counsel for any carrier of public liability insurance referred by herein. (b) Prior to commencing work, Subcontractor shall procure and maintain in force at Subcontractor's expense until the completion and final acceptance of the Work, the following insurance from companies satisfactory to Contractor in the indicated amounts. Workers' Compensation Insurance (Statutory Maximum at Job Site location) and Employees Liability Insurance, Comprehensive General Liability Insurance ($1,000,000.00 combined single limit) including premises-operation, independent contractors, products completed operations hazard with contractual coverage and Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance ($1,000,000.00 combined single limit) and shall furnish to Contractor duplicate of original copies of insurance certificates evidencing compliance with the foregoing insurance requirements, naming Contractor as additional insured. All policies shall provide for ten (10) day cancellation or change notice to Contractor in the event of any change in or cancellation of said policies. The indemnification obligations under Section 5a shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Subcontractor under Workers' Compensation Acts, Disability Benefit Acts or Other Employee Benefits Acts. Contractor and Subcontractor waive all rights against each other for damages by fire or other perils covered by property insurance set forth in the General Contract except for proceeds of insurance held by Owner as trustee. ______________ shall be named additional insured on the certificate of insurance. Article 7 INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Subcontractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Architect, Architect's Consultants, and Contractor from all damages, losses, or expenses, including attorneys fees, from any claims or damages for bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or from claims for damages to tangible property, other than the Work itself. This indemnification shall extend to claims resulting from performance of this Subcontract and shall apply only to the extent that the claim or loss is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of Subcontractor or any of its agents, employees, or subcontractors. This indemnity shall be effective regardless of whether the claim or loss is caused in some part by a party to be indemnified. The obligation of Subcontractor under this Article shall not extend to claims or losses that are primarily caused by Architect or Architect's consultant's performance or failure to perform professional responsibilities. Subcontractor agrees to hold __________, Inc. harmless in the event of damages or injuries due to any negligence of their part, and that they will pay all legal and defense costs associated with any damage or injury claims. Article 8 WARRANTY. Subcontractor warrants its work against all deficiencies and defects in materials and/or workmanship and agrees to satisfy same without cost to Owner or Contractor for a period of one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion of the Project or per Contract Documents, whichever is longer. Article 9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement under Seal, the day and year first written above. . Subcontractor Firm Name Contractor Firm Name X X BY: BY: Subcontractors Federal Tax ID Number: