Warning Notice for Performance Issues

#Date# To, #*firstname*# #*lastname*# Subject: Warning Notice for Performance Issues On #discussion date#, we discussed your performance evaluation which assessed you as #needs improvement or below expectations# in the areas of #mention areas which lack performance#. Since #start period of evaluation# till date we’ve observed a below par performance from you on repeated occasions. Considering your role, responsibilities and the direct impact of your work in the department, this lack of performance is unacceptable to the organization. Your negative performance affects not only your personal growth here, but workload of other team members, departmental results and overall #revenue or reputation o rservice quality# of the company. We expect you to improve your performance to an acceptable level on immediate and sustained basis. Failure to meet our expectations may result in further corrective action up to and including dismissal. You are further advised to submit a written apology, explanation and acknowledgement with reference to this letter. We hope and wish to see you rise up to mark soon and assure you of our full support in achieving your #targets or results or goals#. On behalf of #*companyname*# __________________________ #Signing Authority Name# #Signing Authority Designation# Employee Signature: _______________________ Employee Name: _______________________ Date: ____________________

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Warning Notice for Misbehaviour on Specific Occasion

#Date# To, #*firstname*# #*lastname*# Subject: Warning Notice for Misbehaviour on Specific Occasion It has come to our notice that your behaviour on #date of occurrence# towards #Subordinates or Managers or Colleagues or Specify Name# was uncalled for and inappropriate. Such behaviour is detrimental to the decorum and dignity of our work environment, going against the sanctity of respect towards colleagues. We take very serious cognizance of your actions and consider it a violation of the code of conduct in our organization. This misconduct makes you liable for necessary action, as per our company policy. Hence, you are hereby strictly warned to refrain from repeating such behaviour and to be very careful with your actions in future. Failure to do so may result in further corrective action up to and including termination of your employment with us. You are further advised to submit a written explanation on your unethical act as soon as you receive this letter. On behalf of #*companyname*# __________________________ #Signing Authority Name# #Signing Authority Designation# Employee Signature: _______________________ Employee Name: _______________________ Date: ____________________

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Warning Notice for General Behaviour Issues

#Date# To, #*firstname*# #*lastname*# Subject: Warning Notice for General Behaviour Issues It has been observed that your behaviour towards #Subordinates or Manager or Colleagues or Specify Names# is not appropriate or suitable for our work environment. Such behaviour is against the code of conduct in our organization, and, this misconduct makes you liable for necessary action, as per our company policy. Hence, you are hereby warned to refrain from repeating such behaviour and to be careful with your actions in future. Failure to do so shall invoke appropriate action. Please consider this as a strict and official warning in this regard. You are further advised to submit a written explanation on your unethical act as soon as you receive this letter. On behalf of #*companyname*# __________________________ #Signing Authority Name# #Signing Authority Designation# Employee Signature: _______________________ Employee Name: _______________________ Date: ____________________

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