Deed of Conveyance by a Lunatic through his Legal Guardian or Manager
Deed of conveyance made this ………day of……..between Mr ”X” a Lunatic by his manager or guardian Mr ”Y” hereinafter referred to as the vendor of the One Part and Mr.Z hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser”) of the Other Part
- The said Mr. ”X” is a lunatic or person of unsound mind.
- On his becoming lunatic or of unsound mind his brother the said Mr”Y” made an application to the Court at District for holding an inquisition on his lunacy under Chapter VI of the Mental Health Act 1987 and on the court passing an order for inquisition the necessary inquisition was made and by an order dated the day of — passed by the court on such inquisition the said Mr”Y” was appointed as the manager for the management of the properties of the said lunatic.
- The Lunatic Mr”X” owns certain immoveable properties including the one situated at ……. consisting of a piece of land with an old house thereon and which is more particularly described in the schedule hereunder written.
- The properties of the said Mr”X” do not yield sufficient income necessary for the maintenance of the said Mr”X”. There are also some debts and liabilities payable by the said Mr. X including the liability for payment of the cost of the inquisition held into the lunacy as aforesaid.
- In order to pay off the debts and liabilities and with a view to make sufficient provision for the maintenance of the said Mr. X the said Mr. Y proposed to dispose of the said property described in the schedule hereunder written ad therefore he entered into an agreement for the sale of the property on the……………day of…….. with the purchaser for the price of Rs…… subject to the sale being sanctioned by the Honorable High court.
- Accordingly the said Mr”Y” ad application to the District Court being petition no……….for permission to sell the said property in terms of the agreement under Sec. 59 of the said Act of 1987.
- After making due inquiries the District Court by order date the …… of………. authorized the said Mr”Y” to sell the said property in terms of the said agreement subject to terms and conditions mentioned in the said order as to utilization of the purchase price and making provision for the lunatic”s maintenance and authorised the said Mr ”Y” as the manger of the estate of the said lunatic to execute deed of conveyance in favor of the said purchaser.
That pursuant to the said agreement and the order the District Court and in consideration of the sum of Rs—- paid the purchase as earnest money on the execution of the agreement of sale and in further consideration of the sum of Rs……..paid by the purchase to the vendor on the execution of this Deed making together the said sum of Rs……………… being the full consideration to be paid by the purchase tot vendor as aforesaid (receipt whereof the vendor doth herby admit) he the vendor by his said manage doth hereby grant and convey to the purchase all that piece of land with the building thereon situate at………….. and more particularly described in schedule under together with all things permanently attached thereto and standing thereon and all the privileges, easements, profits, advantages, rights and aappurtenances whatsoever to the said property belonging and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever in law or otherwise of the vendor to the said property another premises hereby conveyed and every part thereof. To Have and to Hold the same unto and to use of purchase absolutely and forever by the subject to payment of all taxes assessments dues and duties now chargeable or payable and hereafter to become chargeable or payable in respect of the said property herby conveyed to the government or local authority or any other public body.
And the said manger doth hereby covenant with the purchase that he the manager has not done any act deed or thing whereby or by means whereof he is prevented from granting and conveying the said property in the manner aforesaid.
IN WITNESS WHEROF the parties have put their hands the day and year first hereinabove written
The Schedule above referred to
Signed and delivered by the with in named
Mr ”X” by his manager
Mr ”Y” —- in the presence of