THIS CONTRACT OF LEASE entered into on of.between X son of.r/o..(hereinafter called first party) and Y s/o.r/o(hereinafter called the second party) witnesses as follows :-
- The first party hereby agrees to lease out the plot of land number . situated in the District ..of.., move precisely described in the schedule annexed herewith , to the second party from the date of this lease in perpetuity on payment of yearly rent of Rs.payable in four quarterly installments of Rsfirst installment failing due ofmonth, second installment failing due ofmonth, third installment failing due ofmonth each year.
- The second party hereby agrees:-
(i) to pay the rent hereby reserved in the manner hereinbefore started.
(ii) To pay all rates, taxes and charges which are payable or may so become at a future date in respect of the said plot of land.
- Default in payment in two consecutive installments of rent shall entitle the first party to enter upon the said land and determine the lease.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the first and second party have signed this contract on this day and year first above mentioned.
Signed by Signed by
1st party 2nd party
In the presence of In the presence of