Registration Form
Struggling to find the right career in the legal industry?’
Want to work in a law firm or want to pursue a career in litigation?
Law is a very challenging field, but in the pathway most law students tend to get confused in between Corporate law and Litigation. As law is a white-collar profession and many are under the pretext that PCSJ is the only way out after LLB.
We have our guest speaker who would help us clear our doubts and show us the way out in
‘Litigation as a career after law’.
We are organizing this masterclass to help you use your degree, experience, talents, and know-how to create a lucrative and satisfying career in litigation after graduation.
The participants will be eligible for the following Perks:
1) All the participants will get a participation Certificate.
2) 10 participants will get a chance to do an Online Internship with LawFoyer or with a recognized Government NGO.
3) 5 participants will get a chance to Intern with reputed Advocates and Organizations through LawFoyer Internship Cell.
4) All participants will get an opportunity to publish their articles on the LawFoyer Website www.lawfoyer.in (necessarily has to match the LawFoyer’s publication standards).
Following are the details of the Webinar:
Date: 15th April 2021
Time: 7:00 PM onwards
Platform: Live on LawFoyer’s Youtube Channel
Speaker Of the webinar:
Inviting students who wish to start a career in the legal field.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.