Violation of Human Rights-A Curse on Society, Culture and Humanity
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Author:- Omprakash Meena


This Research Paper gives a total examination of Human Rights Violations, their effects, Social structure injustice, mankind, popular government, Legislative issues, efforts to strengthen Human Rights Protection and Democratization in the region. The study depends on a deliberate substance investigation of true archives, Newspaper, Articles and Interviews. Quantitatively, I have gathered available data and furthermore recognized the most repetitive phrasing and watchwords, which were accounted for graphically at whatever point conceivable. It also consists of Articles and Sections and also various advances have taken in an entire or by and large or individual with the time to time improvement and issues in the field of Human Right which helps in violating and ensuring people around the planet. As such, they limit civil freedoms to forestall the development and activation of dissent in the public eye. Analyzing 70 non-democratic systems during the time of 1976-2020, I find that common freedoms limitation are bound to increment in the wake of failed overthrows. Among the principles inspiring the European Union (EU), I discover the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the accompanying UN Covenants on civil, political and economic rights (1966).


Almost every day there are chilling occurrences of violence, ethnic purging, appalling torment, kid misuse, manslaughter and a few other Human Right violations. Regardless of the appropriation of the Universal Declaration of Human Right (1948)1 and exceptional pledges accommodated the privileges of kids, ladies and debilitated, wrongdoings proceed unhindered and unabated. The spirit looking through the question is… Has humankind been surrendered? Human Right portrays equivalent rights and opportunity for anybody and everybody regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion or political alliance. All people live in social orders together.

As expressed by the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 “All individuals are conceived free and equivalent in respect and rights. They are enriched with reason and heart and should act towards each other in a feeling of fraternity.” This statement characterizes that every single human is qualified for all rights. Human Rights are fundamental to human life. There might be conflict on the details of Human Rights, however scarcely any on the fundamental parts of them. Human Rights were constantly disregarded in mankind’s set of experiences. The leaders generally mistreated individuals and didn’t give their entitled basic liberties. Indeed, religious leader sometimes was answerable for the infringement of Human Right. In India, different systems, for example, the National Human Rights Commission, State Human RightsCommissions, and Women’s Commission have been comprised at the Centre and in the States, for maintaining Human rights causes.

The Constitution of India, which supreme a lex (the law of the land) and diverse laws like The Human Rights Act, 19982 are in presence yet to no end. Human Rights Violations are the thing to get done and the above ‘law-enforcement” weapons stores miss the mark regarding execution. Rights are just identified on paper and consequently stay a dead letter. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was set up in light of the monstrosities during WWII, including the Holocaust. The archive traces the human right that all individuals are qualified for like independence from torment, the opportunity of articulation, and the option to look for refuge. When those rights aren’t protected or blatantly disregarded, they are violated.

The meaning of Human Rights-

Different people have given different definitions for this –

“Human rights are those rights which every person enjoys by virtue of being human. The basis  of these rights lies in human nature. “- R. J. Visset

Human rights are enjoyed by all people in the world, because they are human in themselves, they cannot be born, are free from purchase or contractual processes.” – David. Cell Bai

Human right means those rights of a person without which a human being cannot think of the complete development of his personality, these are two rights, which as a human being, must be definitely met. In a sentence, human rights are the natural or natural right of every person. The right to life, freedom, equality and respect comes under its purview. The definition of the term human rights is defined as “Rights without which man is incomplete and unable to develop his all-round development, such as freedom, equality, education, employment etc.”

Why the need for human rights?

A humanized society can’t be envisioned without rights in the general public in which we live. Why would that be a requirement for human rights? We will know in the following points –

  • Human rights are fundamental to the physical, social and moral development of our citizens. By not attending meetings, one cannot build one’s character.
  • The human rights of the people of the nation govern the power of the king/rulers, with the intention that the decision-making body can act at its discretion.
  • Human rights are essential to maintaining the unique personality and size of a different creature.
  • Ensuring human rights is essential to eradicate the benefits, segregation and inequality created by human beings and to build a society that relies on balance.
  • Human rights are important to keep everything under control.

Few Major Human Rights Violation in India:-

  1. Discrimination and violence based on Caste:

According to the Annual Crime in India Report 2019 revealed by the National Crimes Records Bureau, misdeed against Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribe has been recorded a rise of over 7% and 26% severally within the year 2019. a similar report conjointly made that eighty-eight rape cases are recorded a day in India. Cruel cases such as Dr Payal Tadvi who died during the ordeal at work his medical centre according to his list should now no longer work but are increasing day by day.

  1. Common Society and Opportunity of Affiliation:

Specialists used the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA) to irritate blunt rights gatherings and limit their capacity to acquire foreign funding. In August, the government passed revisions to the UAPA permitting people to be assigned as terrorists in spite of worries by rights groups over how the law as of now encroaches on fair treatment rights and has been abused to target strict minorities, critics of the government, and social activists. The amendments have been tested in the Supreme Court as illegal and the case was forthcoming at the season of composing.

  1. Refugee and Citizenship Rights:

In August, the Government of Assam distributed the National Register of Citizens, pointed toward recognizing Indian residents and legal inhabitants following rehashed fights and viciousness over the sporadic movement of ethnic Bengalis from Bangladesh. The rundown barred almost 2,000,000 individuals, large numbers of them Muslims, including numerous who have lived in India for quite a long time, sometimes their whole lifetimes. There are serious allegations that the verification process was oppressive and prejudicial, albeit those prohibited from the list have the right to judicial appeal.

  1. Women’s Rights:

In 2015, more than 327,000 crimes were committed against women. Many of them were from marginalized communities. The women were allegedly sexually assaulted by members of the armed forces in Chhattisgarh. High-profile rape cases during the year, including against a BJP leader, described how woman seeking justice faced significant hurdles, including refusal by police to file a case, to the victim. Including conviction, intimidation and violence and lack of witness protection. The accused leader was arrested in September following widespread condemnation, including on social media.

In April, a sexual harassment complaint against the Supreme Court Chief Justice described similar challenges. Other women who complained against powerful men also came under the grip of criminal defamation cases.

  1. Children’s Rights:

Crimes against children increased by 5% in 2015 compared to the previous year. An amendment to a child labour law by Parliament that prevented some exceptions by child rights activists who worried it would affect marginalized groups and girls.

What should be done?

Human rights remind us we are working with individuals and their life is not simply a condition, not an approach, not a measurement, not simply an issue to be solved. They matter since they shield us from the most terrible that we will do to at any rate each other – and feature the happiness and positive effect we will have. Human rights enlighten the regard and humankind we will show each other.

International Human Rights Day is a day to celebrate and advocate for respect, opportunity, and essential Human rights surprisingly however around the world, including here inside India we witness the fundamental privileges of individuals being stripped away. A portion of these rights are just about as extreme as we have found ever, similar to freedom from slavery and torture and in this manner the option to free discourse. Others are ones we find ourselves battling for every day in our networks, similar to freedom from discrimination and in this manner the privilege to a decent preliminary.

International humanitarian law has been applied to preserve humanity in all circumstances, even during conflicts. It governs unlimited force or total war and is expected to maintain the necessary conditions. Limits the use of violence in the return of peace. There are various international committees to monitor compliance with human rights standards and to report any violations. When violations occur, they are brought to the attention of international tribunals or prosecuted in an international court or war crimes tribunal. But conflicts sometimes extend beyond the state to which international law can help. As the number of victim’s increases and more individuals are taken prisoner, tortured, or killed, it becomes more difficult to resort to legal avenues. So it is vital to ensure Human Rights since it doesn’t make any difference where they are from. Enthusiastic individuals wherever are remaining with the United Nations to help human rights and make an aggregate move for a more promising time to come.


Human Rights Violation is the most serious issues that your nation is confronting at the present time. These are issues reprimanded in the nation as well as universally. Ensuring human rights are a significant objective for each person and for society in general. The Human Rights Commission staff strives to guarantee consistency with human rights laws. The Commission likewise attempts to help the public increase a superior comprehension of the significance of shielding all individuals from violation of their Human Right.

Presently there is a boundless acknowledgement of the significance of human rights in the international structure. Nonetheless, one won’t stop for a second to concede that there is disarray overall with regards to its exact nature and scope and the method of International Law concerning the security of these rights. One significant exercise that the historical backdrop of Human rights encourages us is that they are not static but rather are created because of new methods of political idea and changes in the international environment. The Human Rights are the one side of a coin that gives them their craving opportunity and another side is the duty which they need to pay consequently of these freedoms….. . For Ex-If we have the human rights to live securely, so it’s likewise our duty not to endure other life.

Omprakash Meena is a first year students at University Five Year Law College, University of Rajasthan.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Ajay meena

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  2. Ekta Yadav

    Nice work

  3. Amrit

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    This is obviously true

  4. Omprakash Meena

    Thanks a lot sir/ma’am to publish my article on your website .

  5. Mumuksha

    It looks like you’ve put a lot of effort into this. Keep it up.

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