A) ABSTRACT / HEADNOTE (150–250 words)

The Supreme Court of India, in the landmark case of The United Commercial Bank Ltd. v. Their Workmen, delved into the constitutional and statutory validity of adjudicatory actions taken by Industrial Tribunals constituted under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The primary issue centered around whether awards made by a Tribunal were valid when one of its three members was absent for a significant period due to his assignment to another governmental tribunal. The question of the Tribunal’s proper constitution under Sections 7, 8, 15, and 16 of the Act was examined. The Court’s majority ruled that the proceedings and awards during the absence, and even after the rejoining of the third member, lacked jurisdiction due to improper constitution. The minority, however, opined that no illegality had occurred, emphasizing the continuity of membership and the nature of temporary vacancies. This case has had far-reaching implications for the functioning of quasi-judicial bodies, clarifying the necessity of strict adherence to statutory procedures in their constitution and decision-making processes. The Court’s emphasis on jurisdiction, member continuity, and the statutory mandate marked a pivotal interpretation of industrial adjudication in India.

Keywords: Industrial Tribunal, Vacancy, Jurisdiction, Constitution of Tribunal, Industrial Disputes Act, Quasi-Judicial Authority, Tribunal Validity, Tribunal Membership.


i) Judgement Cause Title
The United Commercial Bank Ltd. v. Their Workmen

ii) Case Number
Civil Appeals Nos. 35 to 50 of 1951

iii) Judgement Date
9th April, 1951

iv) Court
Supreme Court of India

v) Quorum
Shri Harilal Kania C.J., Sayyid Fazl Ali, Patanjali Sastri, Mehr Chand Mahajan, B.K. Mukherjea, S.R. Das, and Vivian Bose JJ.

vi) Author
Kania, C.J. (Majority Judgment)

vii) Citation
AIR 1951 SC 230; (1951) SCR 380

viii) Legal Provisions Involved
Sections 7, 8, 12, 15, 16 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Rule 5 of the Industrial Disputes Rules, 1949

ix) Judgments overruled by the Case (if any)
None specifically overruled, but clarified and overruled procedural ambiguities in Tribunal constitution jurisprudence.

x) Case is Related to which Law Subjects
Industrial Law, Labour Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law


The judgment in The United Commercial Bank Ltd. v. Their Workmen arose against the backdrop of increasing industrial disputes in post-independence India, prompting legislative response through the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The Act aimed to streamline mechanisms for industrial adjudication via Boards, Courts, and Tribunals. The Central Government had constituted an All India Industrial Tribunal (Bank Disputes) to resolve widespread conflicts in the banking sector.

This case emerged from challenges posed to the legitimacy of the Tribunal’s proceedings during a period when one of its three designated members, Mr. N. Chandrasekhara Aiyar, was absent due to his deputation to the Indo-Pakistan Boundary Disputes Tribunal. Awards made in his absence by the two remaining members and later collectively upon his return were impugned on jurisdictional grounds. The appellants argued that such adjudications were void ab initio, having been rendered by an improperly constituted body under the Industrial Disputes Act.

The dispute thus directly confronted the interpretation of Sections 7 and 8 of the Act, which provide for the constitution of Tribunals and filling of vacancies. It also interrogated the extent of procedural compliance necessary to legitimize quasi-judicial functions of such tribunals. The case became significant for delineating the contours of “valid constitution,” “jurisdictional authority,” and the binding nature of procedural formalities on the functioning of industrial tribunals in India.


The Government of India constituted an Industrial Tribunal on 13th June 1949, comprising Mr. K.C. Sen (Chairman), Mr. S.P. Varma, and Mr. J.N. Mazumdar. Subsequently, Mr. N. Chandrasekhara Aiyar replaced Mr. Varma. The Tribunal was to adjudicate various industrial disputes involving multiple banks and their employees.

The Tribunal functioned smoothly until 23rd November 1949, when Mr. Aiyar’s services were placed at the disposal of the Ministry of External Affairs for duties in the Indo-Pakistan Boundary Disputes Tribunal. His absence continued until 20th February 1950. During this period, the remaining two members — Mr. Sen and Mr. Mazumdar — continued adjudication and delivered several awards.

Upon Mr. Aiyar’s return on 20th February 1950, he resumed duties without a fresh appointment. Subsequently, the full panel, including Mr. Aiyar, rendered joint awards on the disputes.

The appellants, including multiple banking institutions, challenged the validity of these awards on grounds that the Tribunal lacked jurisdiction during the absence of the third member. They argued that no notification was issued under Section 7 to reconstitute the Tribunal either as a two-member body or to restore it to its original form upon Mr. Aiyar’s return.

They contended that such procedural lapses rendered both interim and final awards ultra vires the statutory mandate of the Industrial Disputes Act. The respondents (workmen and Government) opposed this view, claiming that the Tribunal continued to remain validly constituted and that temporary vacancies did not vitiate its actions.


i) Whether the absence of a Tribunal member, whose services were allocated to another government assignment, created a “vacancy” under Section 8 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

ii) Whether the Government’s failure to notify the reconstitution of the Tribunal, either as a two-member Tribunal during the absence or as a three-member Tribunal upon rejoining, vitiated the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.

iii) Whether the awards made during the period when one member was absent, and those made after he resumed without reappointment, were valid under Sections 7, 8, 15, and 16 of the Act.

iv) Whether the situation involved a mere procedural irregularity or a jurisdictional defect going to the root of the matter.

v) Whether acquiescence or estoppel by parties can cure a defect in the Tribunal’s composition.

vi) Whether Mr. Aiyar’s resumption of work without formal reappointment fulfilled the statutory requirement under Section 7 read with Rule 5.


i) The counsels for Petitioner / Appellant submitted that:

The appellants, led by advocates such as C.K. Daphtary, Jamshedji Kanga, S. Chaudhuri, and R.J. Kolah, argued that the Industrial Disputes Act mandates strict compliance with the procedure prescribed under Section 7 for the constitution of a Tribunal. They asserted that when Mr. N. Chandrasekhara Aiyar was deputed to another Tribunal, his services ceased to be available, which constituted a “vacancy” under Section 8(1) of the Act. Consequently, they contended that without a formal notification under Section 7, a Tribunal composed of only two members had no jurisdiction to proceed or render valid awards[1].

They submitted that the Tribunal originally constituted by a Government notification comprised three members, and the Act did not empower the remaining members to function in the absence of the third, especially in the absence of a reconstitution notification. They emphasized the absence of any Government order under Section 7 constituting a two-member Tribunal during the vacancy, as well as the absence of an appointment notification upon Mr. Aiyar’s return, making both interim and final awards void ab initio[2].

Further, they argued that Section 16 of the Act mandates that all members must sign the award. Since Mr. Aiyar had not heard the proceedings during his absence, his signing of the award was improper, violating the principle of natural justice and rendering the process tainted. They relied on the rule that jurisdictional defects cannot be cured by acquiescence or waiver, even if parties continue participating[3].

In support of their submissions, appellants cited R v. Industrial Court, Ex parte Eastern Counties Leather Employers Association [1921] 1 KB 408, where the court stressed the strict adherence to statutory conditions for constitution of adjudicatory bodies. They also drew analogies from judicial standards, asserting that even temporary absence of a judge in multi-judge panels could not be ignored unless express provision is made under the governing statute[4].


i) The counsels for Respondent submitted that:

The respondents, represented by M.M. Sen, A.C. Gupta, and Niren De, along with Attorney General M.C. Setalvad, contended that Section 8 of the Industrial Disputes Act empowered the Government to determine whether a vacancy needed to be filled. The provision uses permissive language (“may”) in relation to member vacancies, thereby implying that the Tribunal could validly proceed even with two members if the Government opted not to fill the vacancy[5].

They maintained that Mr. Aiyar’s absence was temporary, and hence the Tribunal continued to exist in its original form. His rejoining on 20th February 1950, followed by the issuance of a Government notification on 20th May 1950 stating that he had resumed duties, confirmed that he remained a member throughout. Therefore, the Tribunal was never reconstituted and remained validly composed as per the original notification[6].

They argued that Rule 5 of the Industrial Disputes Rules, which mandates notification of Tribunal composition, only applies at the time of initial constitution, and not to subsequent vacancies or returns. Therefore, no fresh notification was required for Mr. Aiyar’s resumption[7].

Moreover, they emphasized that the principle of substantial compliance applied, and the absence of formal notification did not vitiate the proceedings. They cited Kiran Singh v. Chaman Paswan AIR 1954 SC 340, asserting that not every procedural defect strips the Tribunal of its jurisdiction, especially where no prejudice is shown[8].

On the issue of Mr. Aiyar signing the award without hearing the full case, respondents pointed to institutional continuity and argued that Mr. Aiyar had the benefit of notes, summaries, and records of earlier proceedings, thus enabling him to meaningfully contribute to the final decision. They relied on the doctrine of de facto authority, contending that even if a defect existed, the work done was protected under that doctrine[9].


i) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

  • Section 7 – Constitution of Tribunals (link)

  • Section 8 – Filling of vacancies (link)

  • Section 15 – Duties of the Tribunal

  • Section 16 – Signing of Awards by all Members

  • Rule 5 of the Industrial Disputes Rules, 1949 – Gazette Notification requirement for Tribunal constitution

ii) Judicial Doctrines and Maxims

  • De Facto Doctrine – Acts of a body, which appears official, may remain valid even if a defect is found later

  • Delegatus Non Potest Delegare – Applied in context to judicial functions not being delegable

  • Audi Alteram Partem – Natural justice; the right to be heard

iii) Other Comparative Jurisdictions

  • Industrial Courts Act, 1919 (UK)

  • National Labor Relations Act (USA) – Urgency and continuity emphasized in labour adjudication



i) Majority Opinion (Per Kania C.J., Mahajan, Das, and Bose JJ.)

The Court held that when Mr. N. Chandrasekhara Aiyar was deputed to the Indo-Pakistan Boundary Disputes Tribunal, his services ceased to be available under the meaning of Section 8(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. This created a vacancy, and unless reconstituted through a fresh notification under Section 7, the Tribunal, as previously constituted, could not function with just two members[1].

The majority emphasized that the constitution of the Tribunal must strictly follow the procedure prescribed under Section 7, which required notification in the official Gazette. Merely allowing the remaining members to continue or letting the third member resume duties without formal reappointment could not cure the defect[2].

The Tribunal of three members as initially constituted was a distinct legal body, and the Government’s failure to issue a notification reconstituting a two-member Tribunal or a new three-member Tribunal after Mr. Aiyar’s return rendered the entire adjudicatory process void ab initio[3].

They rejected the argument that Section 8 implicitly permitted the remaining members to function in absence of one. Unlike Sections 5 and 6 (pertaining to Boards and Courts), Section 7 made no such provision for quorum. As such, the proceedings undertaken by two members and the final award signed by all three lacked jurisdiction, not just procedural regularity[4].

Even assuming that Mr. Aiyar remained a member, the Court held that hearing proceedings without him, and having him sign the award later, violated Section 15 and 16, which require joint adjudication and joint signature only after participation by all members in proceedings[5].


i) Kania C.J. remarked that the Government’s failure to issue a proper notification was fatal, irrespective of the administrative exigencies or subjective satisfaction about Mr. Aiyar’s return. The process of adjudication by Industrial Tribunals demands rigid adherence to statutory provisions and transparency, particularly as they are entrusted with quasi-judicial functions impacting fundamental rights of labour and employers[6].

ii) The Court observed that Section 8 deals only with the process of filling a vacancy, but it does not deal with what happens if the Government decides not to fill the vacancy. Thus, absence of express authorization for a two-member Tribunal to function means they cannot proceed without reconstitution under Section 7[7].

iii) Further, the Court emphasized that no estoppel or waiver can cure a jurisdictional defect. Even if parties participated without objection, such a fundamental flaw could not be ratified by conduct. Jurisdiction flows from law, not from consent[8].


While the Court did not issue formal prospective guidelines, the following principles emerged as jurisprudential guidelines for future adjudication under the Industrial Disputes Act:

  • A Tribunal constituted under Section 7 is a legally distinct entity. Any change in its composition necessitates fresh notification by the Government.

  • Vacancy due to absence or deputation amounts to cessation of availability under Section 8, even if temporary.

  • Section 8 does not permit remaining members to continue unless expressly reconstituted as a new Tribunal.

  • All members must participate in proceedings to validly sign the award under Sections 15 and 16.

  • Lack of jurisdiction renders an award void, and cannot be cured by acquiescence, estoppel, or administrative interpretation.

  • Rule 5 of the Industrial Disputes Rules is mandatory, requiring official Gazette notification for Tribunal composition.


The judgment in The United Commercial Bank Ltd. v. Their Workmen underscores the imperative of procedural propriety and strict compliance with statutory mandates in adjudicatory forums. The majority ruling, led by Kania C.J., sets a robust precedent for the proposition that jurisdiction in quasi-judicial bodies cannot be presumed or implied, especially when express statutory mechanisms exist for constituting such bodies.

The Supreme Court’s decision emphasizes that judicial discipline, procedural fairness, and statutory legitimacy must govern the exercise of industrial adjudication. The fact that Section 7 provides for constitution and Section 8 for filling vacancies, while making no provision for functioning during temporary absences, demonstrates legislative intent to bar assumption of jurisdiction in such situations.

Moreover, the insistence that awards signed by all members must flow from joint deliberation and not retrospective endorsement ensures the integrity of the adjudicatory process, aligning with principles of natural justice, institutional competence, and public accountability. This principle was crucial as it prevented future tribunals from functioning casually or arbitrarily without formal authorisation.

The dissenting view by Fazl Ali J., though well-reasoned in administrative terms, was ultimately less persuasive in legal theory, as it risked undermining the binding character of statutory safeguards. Allowing tribunals to self-regulate their composition, without notification, could set dangerous precedent, weakening the legitimacy of decisions impacting labour rights.

In conclusion, this decision serves as a cornerstone of administrative law and labour jurisprudence in India, ensuring that governmental discretion is constrained by statutory rigour when it comes to adjudicating industrial rights and liabilities.


a. Important Cases Referred

i) R v. Industrial Court, Ex parte Eastern Counties Leather Employers Association, [1921] 1 KB 408
ii) Kiran Singh v. Chaman Paswan, AIR 1954 SC 340
iii) Bharat Bank Ltd. v. Employees of Bharat Bank, AIR 1950 SC 188
iv) Cooper v. Wilson, (1937) 2 KB 309
v) United Provinces v. Atiqa Begum, AIR 1941 FC 16

b. Important Statutes Referred

i) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947Section 7, Section 8, Section 15, Section 16
ii) Industrial Disputes Rules, 1949 – Rule 5
iii) National Labor Relations Act (U.S.A.)
iv) Industrial Courts Act, 1919 (United Kingdom)

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