City, State Zip Code
Re: Internship Offer
Dear |
: |
On behalf of |
(the “Company”), I am pleased to extend to you this |
offer of temporary employment |
as an Intern, reporting to |
. If you |
and |
accept this offer, you will begin your internship with the Company on |
will be expected to work ____ days per week. |
You will be paid per month, less all applicable taxes and withholdings, payable |
. |
As an intern you will be receive “temporary employment” status. As a temporary employee, you will not receive any of the employee benefits that regular Company employees receive, including, but not limited to, health insurance, vacation or sick pay, paid holidays, or participation in the Company’s employee benefit plan plan.
Your internship is expected to end on . However, your internship with the Company
is “at-will,” which means that either you or the Company may terminate your internship at any time, with or without cause and with or without notice.
During your employment, you may have access to trade secrets and confidential business information belonging to the Company. By accepting this offer of employment, you acknowledge that you must keep all of this information strictly confidential, and refrain from using it for your own purposes or from disclosing it to anyone outside the Company. In addition, you agree that, upon conclusion of your employment, you will immediately return to the Company all of its property, equipment, and documents, including electronically stored information.
By accepting this offer, you agree that throughout your internship, you will observe all policies and practices governing the conduct of our business and employees, including our policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment. This letter sets forth the complete offer we are extending to you, and supersedes and replaces any prior inconsistent statements or discussions. It may be changed only by a subsequent written agreement.
I hope that your association with the Company will be successful and rewarding. Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing below and returning it to
contact me.
Very truly yours,
I accept employment with the Company on the terms and conditions set out in this letter.
Printed Name Signature Date
City, State Zip Code
Re: Internship Offer
Dear |
: |
We are pleased to offer you an internship with |
(the “Company”). This |
is |
an |
educational internship. |
Our goal is for you |
to learn |
more about |
As |
we |
discussed, your internship |
is expected to last from |
to |
, |
hours per week. [OPTIONAL: |
However, |
at the |
sole |
discretion of the Company, the duration of the internship may be extended or shortened with or without advance notice.]
[OPTIONAL: Include description of Internship program and training.]
As an intern, you will not be a Company employee. Therefore, you will not receive a salary, wages, or other compensation. In addition, you will not be eligible for any benefits that the Company offers its employees, including, but not limited to, health benefits, holiday pay, vacation pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, or participation in the Company’s employment plan. You understand that participation in the internship program is not an offer of employment, and successful completion of the internship does not entitle you to employment with the Company.
During your internship, you may have access to confidential, proprietary, and/or trade secret information belonging to the Company. You agree that you will keep all of this information strictly confidential and refrain from using it for your own purposes or from disclosing it to anyone outside the Company. In addition, you agree that, upon conclusion of the internship, you will immediately return to the Company all of its property, equipment, and documents,
including electronically stored information.
By accepting this offer, you agree that you will follow all of the Company’s policies that apply to non-employee interns, including, for example, the Company’s anti-harassment policy.
This letter constitutes the complete understanding between you and the Company regarding your internship and supersedes all prior discussions or agreements. This letter may only be modified by a written agreement signed by both of us. Please indicate your acceptance of
this offer by signing below and returning it to .
I hope that your internship with the Company will be successful and rewarding. Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing below and returning it to . If you
Very truly yours,
I accept employment with the Company on the terms and conditions set out in this letter.
Printed Name Signature Date