Form ‘F’
[See paragraph 16]
I/We* …………………………. (transferor/s) do hereby assign and transfer my/our* interest
or share in the inscribed stock certificate number ……………..of ………… percent
Government Loan of ……………. amounting to Rs. ………. being the amount /a portion
of the stock for Rs. ………. as specified on the face of this instrument together
with the accrued interest thereon to…………………………….………
(transferee/s), his / her / their* executors, administrators or assigns, and I/We*
…….………… do freely accept the stock certificate number ………………. to the
extent it has been transferred to me/us*.
I/We* ………………………. (transferee/s) hereby request that on my/our* being registered
as the holder/s of the stock transferred to me/us*, the above stock certificate to the extent it
has been transferred to me/us* may be renewed in my/our* name (s)/converted in
my/our* name(s).
@I/We*………………………. (transferor/s) hereby request that on the above transferee(s)
being registered as the holder/s of the stock hereby transferred to him/them*, the aforesaid
stock certificate to the extent it has not been transferred to him/them* may be renewed in
my/our* name (s).
As witness, our hand the …………… day of …….…………… two thousand and
Signed by the above-named transferor
in the presence of** …………………….
Signature of transferor………………..
Address: ………………………………
Signed by the above-named transferee
in the presence** ……………………….
Signature of transferee………………..
*: Delete whichever is not applicable.
@: This paragraph is to be used only when a portion of the Certificate is transferred.
**: Signature, occupation and address of witness. Witness should be different for
transferor and transferee.
Stock Certificate issued No/s …………………. dated ……………………………..
Manager, Reserve Bank of India, ………………………….